Just Listen

A place for me to voice out what is hidden deep inside my heart. Hope you will enjoy this. Just listen...

又圆了的月亮 by 郭采洁

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Some help?

Biting my nails... Feeling nervous... There is no more time to waste. I have to do this before 8th of December... I have to find a place to stay in PJ!!!

How can this be so hard? It is though. To my surprise, it is very difficult to find a place that meet all our criterias. And there are a lot (and I mean a lot!) that refuse to rent their place to students, afraid we'll trash their place maybe. Gees... We're good people, really!

There is no time to lose anymore. I want to move out! Sigh... Hope everything will turn out alright eventually. God, please help me!!!